Transilvania Adventure TROPHY, Deva 2005

I have the pleasure to announce you that the winners of the Transilvania Adventure Trophy 2005
are our friends, Ionut Macri/Zina Soceanu (Defender 90) and Piciu/Bobo (Toyota 70).
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Photos by Ionut Macri, Catalina Filip)

Ionut’s LR Defender with 36′ Simex type Tyres and Roll Cage (I see that you left Petlas behind Ionut! ee?)

8 Comments to “Transilvania Adventure TROPHY, Deva 2005”:
  1. Panagiotis says:

    Congratulations from me too! We ..need more photos and comments from the trophy!

  2. Mike Miskis says:

    Ionut, this is a true competition L.R.90!!!
    How was the event??
    Was it trouble-free for you?? (judging by the photos, it was no so “trouble-free” for the L.C.70).
    Congratulations, once more!!!

  3. Ionut Macri says:

    Thank you very much. For me it was perfect, I have just 2 broken lights, for the rest the car is untuched wich is pretty amazing considering how the Toyota (the other car from my team) looks.
    It was a 5 day competition in the mountains in a beautiful landscape.
    The other competitors came from Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, very good teams, all coming with assistance and support vehicles. Btw, the guys next to me in the first picture are from spain
    This year we had in the competition 4 defenders 90, 3 toyotas 70, 1 toyota 80, 5 Nissans, 3 Mercedes, 3 Suzuki, etc.

  4. Ionut Macri says:

    The tyres on my car ar not Simex but a copy made in italy (remould).
    They are bigger (36′) and better (even if it’s hard to belive!).
    And of course much better than the petlas.

  5. Musashi says:

    About the Simex it is really hard to believe…..

  6. Musashi says:

    Who took the photos Ionut?

  7. Mike Miskis says:

    Super-photos!!!! The mud looks “of the finest quality”.Aaaaaaah…..

  8. Ionut Macri says:

    The photos are made by Catalina Filip and by me

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